Research article

National differences

British and Canadian second home purchasers often buy property overseas, while the French and Americans stay closer to home


American second home buyers have traditionally been domestically focused, and this trend is accelerating. In the 2018 survey, 16% of American second home owners had a property outside the United States. This fell to just 6% in the 2019 survey, and of those owners intending to buy another property, just 4% are thinking of buying overseas. This is perhaps unsurprising in the current political climate as the US increases tariffs in a number of countries across the globe.


The British have some of the most diverse buying habits of any nationality. Just 31% of second homes were purchased in the UK. Instead, mainland Europe is a popular choice, often in pursuit of the sun. France has remained the most popular location abroad, just beating Spain. However, the future intentions are more diverse with a higher proportion of potential buyers considering locations out of Europe, perhaps demonstrating a Brexit effect (see note above).


Like the British, Canadians often buy property overseas. However, unlike the British, their buying activity is dominated by one country: the United States. Their future buying intentions are similar to their current patterns but slightly more domestic. Canadians who bought a second home in their own country stood at 49% in the 2019 survey and of those owners intending to buy another property 54% would buy in Canada.


Like the Americans, the French tend to buy second homes in their own country. This reflects the wide offering France has for second home locations: cities, beaches, countryside and skiing. Aside from their own country, Spain is the most popular choice followed by the overseas region of France, Guadeloupe and Martinique. Future buying plans follow a similar pattern to the current ownership patterns.

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